Nowadays, not only Vietnam but many other countries are faced with the challenge of environmental pollution from water, air, dusting, … It is frequently occurs in industrial zones, where many factories of all industries are located.

Recently, the Government issued Decree No. 40/2019 / ND-CP Amending and Supplementing a number of articles of decrees detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection. In article 39, regarding the monitoring of wastewater discharge, the Government requires the industrial organizations must install automatic and continuous waste water monitoring systems before putting them into operation (including automatic and continuous monitoring devices and automatic sampling equipment), with surveillance cameras, transmit data directly to the local Department of Natural Resources and Environment before December 31, 2020.

Reference information about the Decree 40 at:

Depending on the type of businesses production, ESTEC is absolutely able to advise customers deploy the construction and installation of Water Quality Monitoring System.

Water Quality Monitoring System is installed to monitor wastewater parameters in accordance with current environmental protection regulations. The identification of monitoring parameters depending on the type of business production is providing in Decree 40/2019/ND-CP, specifically:

- For projects specified in Clause 2 of Article 39, the parameters of automatic and continuous wastewater monitoring include: flow (input and output), temperature, pH, TSS, COD, ammonia.

- For projects and establishments of the type of industrial production with environmental pollution scale specified in Appendix II a, Section I of the Appendix promulgated together with this Decree, specific environmental parameters according to the business lines decided by the agency approving the environmental impact assessment report.

- For cooling water that uses chlorine or chlorine-based disinfectants only install parameters: Flow, temperature and chlorine.

To perform wastewater monitoring, the WQMS system is built with three basic components, including:

 - Equipment System of water quality measuring and analyzing capable of measuring, analyzing and giving results of monitoring parameters in wastewater automatically and continuously. This includes automatic sampling equipment, which is used to collect and store water samples when one of the monitoring parameters exceeds the allowed standards.

- Equipment for transferring data will collect, store and transfer automatic and continuous monitoring data of system to the local Department of Natural Resources and Environment quickly and directly.

- Surveillance camera system will provide live images of the waste water monitoring process.

With these devices, the WQMS system will help the monitoring of water pollution parameters more easily and quickly before pouring into the surrounding environment, contributing to reducing environmental pollution.

Horiba from Japan was established in 1953 as the world’s leading manufacturer of measuring and analytical instruments, with a quality has been confirmed in market and certified by many international organizations: Environment Agency’s Monitoring Certification Scheme of British (mCERTs), German Ministry of Environment (TÜV) ...

ESTEC is the official solution partner of Horiba about system integration, including Water Quality Monitoring System (WQMS). With a team of experienced and well-trained engineers, we could consult, design, execute and install the system in accordance with the provisions of the State on environmental protection. We can provide the totally solution for Water Quality Monitoring System (WQMS).

In addition, ESTEC provides training, operation and maintenance instruction so that the WQMS system after installation will operate stably, continuously, synchronously and seamlessly. Please contact us immediately for detailed consultation.

To learn more about the benefits of Water Quality Monitoring System (WQMS), please refer to Part 2: http://www.biendongco.vn/vi/wqms-he-thong-quan-trac-nuoc-thai-tu-dong-lien-tuc-phan-2.html

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